spoken English online

Day 4- English Spoken Course - Use of “This, That, These, Those” (Demonstrative Pronoun)

Use of “This, That, These, Those”(Demonstratives):-

English Grammar Lesson- Use of “This, That, These, Those” (Demonstrative Pronoun)

These four(This,That,These,Those) are called Demonstrative pronouns.
If a person, place or thing is nearby, as per the table we must use either „this‟ or “these”. If, it is singular then “This” and if, plural then “These”.
Similarly, if a person, place or thing is afar, we must use either „that‟ or „those‟.If, it is singular then, “that” and if plural then “those”.

This book (near).  
That book(afar).
Those/They children (Children are afar from you and plural subject, hence “those” is used.)
(Since Children are living being so we can also use “they”. )
Those books(afar). These chairs(near).
Those/they are boys.

Difference between Living & Non-Living

Living is the one that does

 Excretion(Removal of waste)

Non-living is the one that doesn’t breath.

This is my car.
That is your car.
These are beautiful flowers.
Those are red flowers.
That is a  new house.

Thank you👍 

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