spoken English online

7 Tips For English Speaking Fluency

Speak English Fluently

1. Make a firm decision to start speaking. Your weak decision may be the biggest drawback. Start speaking from now onwards, whatever the English-language knowledge you have, use that knowledge and start speaking with friends on social network, in office, in school, in college. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes.

2. Understand the concept of the language. Learning English doesn't mean translating it from your mother-tongue language. Avoid thinking your mother-tongue language while speaking English.Because it will slow down your English Speaking fluency progress.

3. Make friends who have positive attitude. People who see the bright side of the things will help you a lot. Keep yourself away from those who have negative thoughts. One who discourage can't be your true friend. Be in good company.

4. Keep on learning. Only God (Almighty) knows everything. No one else knows everything. If you don't know anything it's natural. Don't be disappointed in such conditions.

5. Be positive and think positive. Being optimist is the biggest quality of yours.

6. Keep on Listening English conversations on YouTube, Television, News-Channel, English Podcasts, until you become fluent. I am sure that it will make you speak fluent and flawless English.and very soon your English Speaking fluency will be improved.

7. Just be yourself. If you would try to be someone else it will weaken your own personality.

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