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Day 5- English Spoken Course- Sentence Making Practice on This, That, These, Those

Last day we had discussed the theory part of Demonstrative pronoun- (this,that,these,those) today we are going to do practice on these subjects.

Day 5- English Spoken Course- Sentence Making Practice on This, That, These, Those

Try to make as many as sentences you can.you can record your sentences and send to whatsapp group https://chat.whatsapp.com/ErSHepK1OIu2IX1sD6jsnx of this course.

Examples -Based on This/That/These/Those

Affirmative sentence or Positive sentence

Syntax- This/That/these/Those+is/are+ object.

1.This is English whatsapp group.

2.This is my brother's house.

3.This is smartphone.

4.That is an auto-rikshaw.

5.That is my college .

6.These are English grammar books.

7.Those are sweets.

8.These are my favorite movies collection.

Negative sentence

Syntax- This/That/These/Those +is/are +not+ object.

1.This is not english whatsapp group.

2.This is not my brother's house.

3.This is not smartphone.

4.That is not an auto-rikshaw.

5.That is not my college .

6.These are not English grammar books.

7.Those are not sweets.

8.These are not my favorite movies collection.

 Interrogative sentence

1.Is this english whatsapp group?

Ans- yes, this is english whatsapp group.

2. Is this your brother's house.?

Ans- No, This is not my brother's house.

3. Is this samsung smartphone.?

4.Is that an auto-rikshaw.?

5.Is that your college .?

6.Are these English grammar book?

7.Are those sweets?

Interrogative-Negative sentence.


1. Is this not a english whatsapp group?

2. Is this not your brother's house?

Ans- No, this is not my brother's house.

If your answer is in yes. Then,

Ans- Actually, this is my brother's house.

3.Is that not a smartphone.?

4. Is that not your college?

5.Are these not English grammar book?

6.Are those not sweets?

 WH WORDS based examples.

1.What is this?

Ans- This is voice recorder.

2.What is that?

Ans- That is a piece of paper.

3.whose car is that?

Ans- That is my brother's car.

4 What are these things?

5.whose books are those?

Ans.- Those are my books sir.

Likewise you can make many sentences.

I hope you find this lesson helpful.

Please do share this course among your friends who is keen to learn English-speaking.

Thank you!👍

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