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Gandhi Jayanti speech in English | Easy-simple-and-best-speech-on-Mahatma Gandhi | Gandhiji-birthday special

Gandhi Jayanti Speech In English: 

Give this powerful speech on Gandhi Jayanti, you will get a lot of applause

Gandhi Jayanti Speech In English: Speech and essay competitions are organized in schools and colleges on Gandhi Jayanti. If you are planning to give a speech, you can get ideas from the example given below.

Gandhi Jayanti speech in English | Easy-simple-and-best-speech-on-Mahatma Gandhi | Gandhiji-birthday special

Ladies and gentlemen, teachers, and dear students, Today on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti we all have gathered here.

I'm here today to tell you about a man who was genuinely unique and whose values of truth, nonviolence, and peace had a profound effect on the globe. Mahatma Gandhi is the name of this outstanding individual.

Mahatma Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869, in a small town in India. He was not a superhero with superpowers, but he was a hero in his own way. He believed in the power of love, kindness, and nonviolence to bring about change in the world.

One of the most important things about Mahatma Gandhi was that he practiced what he preached. He believed that if you want to see change in the world, you have to start with yourself. So, he decided to live a simple and honest life. He dressed in simple clothes and ate simple food. He believed in equality for all, regardless of their background, and he fought against discrimination.

Mahatma Gandhi is best known for his role in the Indian independence movement. He led peaceful protests and used nonviolent methods to oppose British rule in India. He believed that violence only leads to more violence and that true change could only come through peaceful means. His famous Salt March is a great example of this. He and thousands of people walked for miles to protest the British salt tax peacefully.

Gandhi's teachings of nonviolence and peaceful resistance inspired people all over the world. He showed that even one person can make a big difference if they have the courage to stand up for what they believe in.

But it's not just his role in India's struggle for freedom that makes Gandhi so special. He also taught us some important life lessons. He believed in the power of truth, honesty, and self-discipline. He once said, "You must be the change you want to see in the world," which means that we should practice the values we want to see in the world.

So, what can we learn from Mahatma Gandhi? We can learn that even a small person can have a big impact if they have a big heart and strong principles. We can learn that violence is not the answer, and we should always choose peace and nonviolence to solve our problems. We can learn to be kind, honest, and treat everyone with respect, no matter where they come from or what they look like.

In conclusion, Mahatma Gandhi was a great leader who taught us the power of truth, nonviolence, and love. His life and teachings continue to inspire people all around the world, and he will always be remembered as a symbol of peace and hope.

Thank you for listening, and let us all try to follow in the footsteps of this great man by being the change we want to see in the world.

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