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Essay On- The best day of my life -5 example speeches

Essay On- The best day of my life -5 example speeches


Model 1 First Gift

The day my father gave me a gift on my birthday as a surprise was the finest day of my life. I opened it and discovered a really cool bike inside. I wanted to jump, but couldn't hold back my joy.

I recall pleading with dad to show me how to operate it every day until I could pass my driving test. How delighted I was to find him watching me drive alone. And I really enjoyed it when he smiled after I made a basic motion, like driving with one hand or carrying out any other motion. One of my favourite days of my life was this one.

I clearly recall that, although no longer fitting me, I still own this bike. Yet I remember It was such a great feeling, I might get to ride the bike again to get back this feelings from time to time.

Model 2 Present from father

My father gave me the finest present recently. I've wanted a dog ever since I was a kid, and recently he brought me one. Dad entered my room as I was studying with a Labrador Retriever  in his hands. I jumped up from my bed in joy. I started crying as well because I couldn't believe what I saw. My parents have never been in favour of getting a dog. Nonetheless, he delivered it, making it the finest day of my life.

Model  3 aunt's  Recovery from illness

The day my aunt's cancer was cured was the finest day of my life. Regarding his sister and her children, my father was extremely concerned.

My father brought my cousins to live with us for a while that year while their mother got better. Also, their father frequently visits their mother in the hospital.

When you were living with your family and witnessed their suffering firsthand, it was a very trying time. As a result, you are unable to rest and spend your days only checking in on them. It somehow makes the suffering they experience more palpable. So I found that the happiest day of my life was when we got the news of my aunt’s recovery and we all went to pick her up from the hospital and go home.

Model 4 Recovery from injury

The day I was able to recover from my foot injury and resume playing football was the finest day of my life. I was so worried of losing my talents and not being able to play as much as I used to before the injury and my broken leg, so today is the finest day of my life.

But after working out and receiving physiotherapy, I was able to resume playing, and now I feel energized and alive with no impact from my feet.

This makes me very happy because my goals and aspirations are connected to the sport I play. I would love to keep playing it and advance to the professional level, realising my desires.

Model 5 Got a Job

The day I initially started working for a certain company and put an end to my long periods of unemployment was the finest day of my life. It was the beginning of my professional career and the realisation of my dreams. My parents were overjoyed to hear of my success, and I also received calls from friends and family. I could now start working and get paid for the value of my skills. I had a good enough wage to splurge on certain things I had always desired. It supported my independence and assisted my parents with household expenses. Finally, the time had come for me to step into a new world of pursuing my aspirations and succeeding in them.

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