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How to introduce yourself in English ?

Introduce Yourself in English 😍 

Self introduction in English language is the first opportunity to make a strong first impression on your neighbor, friends, strangers, listeners', or classmates, teacher, professor, organization, interviewers.
introduce yourself in English
How to introduce yourself in English ?

For a good introduction in English, you need to practice in advance. As an English learner, it’s always a good idea to prepare a couple of introductions and practice them until you become comfortable with them.

 First Start with the answer of  Who are you?

I am  Ravi.

My name is Ravi.

Next answer to this question - Where are you from ?

I am from India.

I am Indian.[nationality]

I come from New Delhi [place].


I was born in New Delhi.


I grew up in New Delhi.


I was raised in New Delhi.


I spent my childhood in New Delhi.


I am originally from New Delhi but now i am based in Mumbai.

Question- Where have you been living?

I have been living in Mumbai since 2020.


I have lived in Mumbai for past four years.


I moved to Mumbai a few years ago.

About Family 👪 

We are a family of five.

I live here with my family.

I grew up in a family of five.

 About Relationship  💕

We have been together for 7 years now.

My partner , Ravi and I have been together for eleven years.

I have been married to my wife since June 2014.

We have been married since 2014.

We have no plans to get married.(In live in relationship)

About Children 🧒 👧 

I have a 6 year old son and 3 year old daughter.

My 3 year old daughter just started going to school this year, so it's been exciting for us.

I am a single parent.( If don't  have any children)

About Sibling 🙋

I have three siblings.( doesn't include you)

I am one of four siblings.(include you)

I am an only child.

About Interests  💘 

I love playing football.

I love to play football.

One thing you may not know about me is I love receiving people from Railway station, Bus station, Airports.

About Job 👫

I am a/an +[ Job Position].

I am a graphic designer.

I am an engineer.

If you are holding the only position in company/organization.( I am the +[job position])💁

I am the CEO of a Tech. Company.

I am the owner of this educational institute.

I work in marketing.

I work in design.

I work in Construction.

I work at/for [company name].

About Self Employment  👷👷

I am self employed.

I work for myself.

I run my own business.

About Education   📙 

I have a degree in engineering.

I am a qualified engineer.

If You are studying/pursuing a degree.

I am studying Computer Science.

I am studying Environmental Science.

I am completing PHD in Economics.

I am in my final year of engineering degree.

I am nearing the end of my degree course.

Thank You 🙏 

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